Cyborg X (2016) is a high-octane, post-apocalyptic sci-fi thriller directed by K. King, blending action, cybernetic warfare,...
Jason Statham Live Action ConceptThe live-action Dragon Ball Z: The Movie brings the legendary story from the...
Prey 2 (2025) continues the thrilling saga of the Predator franchise, following the success of Prey (2022),...
San Andreas is a 2015 American disaster film directed by Brad Peyton and written by Carlton Cuse,...
**”Alita: Battle Angel 2″** is a highly anticipated sequel to the 2019 cyberpunk action film *Alita: Battle...
Rampage 2 (2025) sees Dwayne Johnson return as Davis Okoye, the fearless primatologist who previously saved the...
Taken (also titled 96 Hours and The Hostage) is a 2008 French English-language action-thriller film written by...
The highly anticipated He-Man live-action movie, set for release in 2025, stars Chris Hemsworth as Prince Adam,...
AMC has just unveiled the teaser trailer for the highly anticipated 12th season of “The Walking Dead,”...
AMC has just unveiled the teaser trailer for the highly anticipated 12th season of “The Walking Dead,”...