Vikings: Valhalla is a historical drama streaming television series created by Jeb Stuart for Netflix. It is...
Van Helsing 2 (2025) sees Hugh Jackman reprising his role as the legendary monster hunter Gabriel Van...
“Wrath of the Titans (2024)” is an upcoming sequel in the action-packed mythological franchise, continuing the story...
Die Alone (2024) is an intense, action-packed thriller that explores themes of survival, sacrifice, and the bonds...
Ben Stiller will reprise his role as the adored night guard Larry Daley in Night at the...
Universal Pictures has officially greenlit Hobbs & Shaw 2, the anticipated follow-up to the 2019 blockbuster Fast...
RIDDICK 4: Furya Teaser (2025) With Vin Diesel marks the highly anticipated return of Vin Diesel as...
Taken (also titled 96 Hours and The Hostage) is a 2008 French English-language action-thriller film written by...
Transformers: Rise of Unicron, the eighth sequel in the Transformers storyline, is expected to be the most...
The story of “300: Rise of a Queen” follows Queen Gorgo of Sparta as she rises to...