In Underworld 6: Rise of the Vampire, the ever-intensifying battle between vampires and Lycans reaches a new level of darkness and intrigue. This installment takes the series to uncharted depths, with Selene (Kate Beckinsale) returning to confront a rising power from the vampire world’s own shadows. The stakes are higher than ever as an ancient vampire order, long dormant and forgotten, awakens to challenge both the Lycans and their own kind for dominance.
As Selene settles into her hard-won peace, a series of brutal attacks disrupt the vampire communities across Europe, leaving a trail of carnage and mystery. This is no ordinary Lycan attack; whispers of an ancient vampire clan, the “Nocturns,” surface—a faction of vampires banished centuries ago for their ruthless ambition. Commanded by Lord Draven, a centuries-old vampire with knowledge of dark rituals and forbidden powers, the Nocturns aim to seize control of the vampire throne, even if it means wiping out any trace of opposition, including the Lycans and Selene herself.
Selene must join forces with new allies and confront her own dark past as she embarks on a dangerous journey to uncover Lord Draven’s secrets and stop the Nocturns. Alongside her is Alexei, a mysterious vampire warrior with his own vendetta against Draven, and Lyra, a rogue Lycan turned vampire sympathizer. Their uneasy alliance will be tested as they uncover the ancient lore behind Draven’s powers and find a way to counter his sinister abilities.