Crocodylus: Mating Season is an upcoming survival thriller that plunges audiences into the perilous world of the world’s deadliest reptiles. Set in the dense, humid swamps of Southeast Asia, the film explores the terrifying consequences of humans trespassing into nature’s most sacred—and most dangerous—ritual: the crocodile mating season.
Plot Summary
The story follows a group of wildlife researchers who venture deep into a remote swamp to study crocodile behavior during their mating season. Despite warnings from the local villagers about the heightened aggression of the reptiles, the team presses on, determined to collect groundbreaking footage and data.
As territorial instincts take over, the crocodiles become fiercely protective of their nesting grounds, turning the swamp into a deadly battleground. When their boat is destroyed, the group must navigate treacherous waters, evade attacks, and rely on their wits to survive. Meanwhile, the team discovers something more sinister lurking in the depths—an apex predator far more dangerous than they imagined.