Bad Boys: Ride or Die (2024) is an upcoming action-comedy film directed by Adil & Bilall, and it is the fourth installment in the popular Bad Boys franchise. The film reunites Will Smith and Martin Lawrence as Detectives Mike Lowrey and Marcus Burnett, respectively.
The plot continues the high-octane adventures of the iconic duo as they face their most dangerous and personal case yet. The story revolves around Mike and Marcus being drawn into a criminal conspiracy that tests their friendship and skills. This time, they must confront new threats, tackle high-stakes action, and navigate through a web of danger while dealing with personal issues and their evolving relationship.
Bad Boys: Ride or Die promises to deliver the same blend of action, comedy, and camaraderie that fans have come to love from the series. The film is expected to feature explosive set pieces, witty banter between the leads, and a thrilling storyline that brings closure to the long-running franchise.
With the return of Smith and Lawrence, who have established a strong on-screen chemistry throughout the series, Bad Boys: Ride or Die aims to offer a satisfying continuation of the beloved action-comedy saga, mixing humor with high-energy action sequences.