Pandorum (2009) is a science fiction horror film directed by Christian Alvart and starring Dennis Quaid, Ben...
Month: December 2024
“The Colony” is a 2013 science fiction horror film directed by Jeff Renfroe. The film is set...
The highly anticipated Blade (2025), starring Mahershala Ali as the iconic vampire hunter, has faced numerous production...
The Grinch 3 (2024) brings the beloved green grouch back for another heartwarming and hilarious holiday adventure....
Marvel just gave Spider-Man’s coolest villains a major reboot, as the Sinister Six get a new roster...
Michael Myers vs Jason Voorhees pits the legendary killers against each other in a brutal battle for...
Anaconda: The Movie (2025) is a high-stakes adventure following a team of explorers venturing deep into the...
San Francisco, CA – Lucasfilm is reportedly developing an exciting new addition to the Star Wars Saga:...
Rampage 2 (2025) is the much-anticipated sequel to the 2018 monster action hit, with Dwayne Johnson returning...
Set sail once again on a thrilling journey across the Caribbean seas in Pirates of the Caribbean...