The story picks up several years after the events of The Meg 2: The Trench. Jonas Taylor (Jason...
Month: December 2024
Terminator 7: End of War takes the iconic franchise into uncharted territory, delivering a thrilling narrative that finally...
THE INSECT is a thrilling sci-fi action film that delves into the heart of human survival when nature’s...
The upcoming sci-fi epic “Independence Day 3”, slated for a 2025 release, continues the thrilling saga of humanity’s...
The narrative begins with H attempting to leave his violent past behind, seeking solace in a secluded...
The story opens with Alita grappling with the consequences of Hugo’s death and her newfound role as...
The full teaser trailer for Real Steel 2 finally arrives, reigniting excitement for fans of the original...
Picking up where the first film left off, The Old Guard 2 plunges viewers back into the high-octane world...
MICKEY’S SLAYHOUSE (2025) WELCOME TO THE MANIACAL KINGDOM! Mickey’s Slayhouse reimagines the globally iconic character Mickey Mouse...
Wrath of Man is a 2021 action thriller film directed by Guy Ritchie, from a screenplay he...