Daughter of the Wolf (2019) is a Canadian action-thriller directed by David Hackl, starring Gina Carano as...
Month: December 2024
The producers of Ballerina, the John Wick spinoff, have yet to determine how much of Keanu Reeves’...
The Dead Land (2024) is a gripping horror-thriller set in a post-apocalyptic world where the dead don’t...
Anaconda: Bloodline (2025) brings the terror of nature’s most dangerous predators back to the screen in a...
Xena: Warrior Princess (2024), starring Gal Gadot, is an exhilarating reboot of the beloved 1990s TV series...
In San Andreas 2, the seismic terror that struck California in the first film (2015) has left...
The trailer for Apocalypto 2 opens with a haunting, panoramic shot of a dense, mist-covered jungle. The...
The Terminator is a 1984 American science fiction action thriller film directed by James Cameron. It stars...
The Avatar saga continues with Avatar 3: Fire and Ash (2025), the third installment of James Cameron’s...
The next chapter in the Black Panther saga has been revealed. Titled “Black Panther 3: Shadows of...