In Constantine 2 (2024), the teaser trailer begins with John Constantine (played by Keanu Reeves) as he...
Month: December 2024
Set sail once again on a thrilling journey across the Caribbean seas in Pirates of the Caribbean...
Van Helsing 2 (2025) sees Hugh Jackman reprising his role as the legendary monster hunter Gabriel Van...
Colombiana 2 is officially happening, and we are thrilled to share that it has been successfully completed...
With Vin Diesel RIDDICK 4: Furya Teaser (2025) With Vin Diesel marks the highly anticipated return of...
The teaser trailer for The Dead Land begins with a hauntingly desolate landscape, portraying a barren, post-apocalyptic...
“The Twilight Saga 6: The New Chapter” (2025) revisits the world of vampires, werewolves, and the enduring...
Bone Tomahawk (2015) is a gripping blend of Western and horror, directed by S. Craig Zahler. The...
“Breathe” (2024) is an intense survival thriller that explores human resilience and the will to survive against...
With Iko Uwais & Julie Estelle The Raid is a 2011Indonesian action thriller film written, directed and...