The chilling world of vampires returns in 30 Days of Night 2, the long-awaited sequel to the...
Siren is a supernatural thriller series that brings a fresh take on mermaid mythology. Airing on Freeform,...
Spiders on a Plane (2024) is a thrilling horror-action film that takes the classic disaster genre to...
“The Mummy Resurrection” (2024), featuring Dwayne Johnson and Keanu Reeves, is set to be a thrilling, action-packed...
The production budget for Home Alone 3 (2025) is estimated to be around $60 million, a significant increase compared...
Set decades after the events of the original The Green Mile, the sequel introduces Marcus Stone (Idris Elba),...
In Underworld 6: Rise of the Vampire, the ever-intensifying battle between vampires and Lycans reaches a new...
Crank is a 2006 American action film written and directed by Mark Neveldine and Brian Taylor in...
It’s finally over! Now out, The Expendables 5 is more powerful, audacious, and massive than before. Watch...
The Wave (2015) is a Norwegian disaster thriller that presents a gripping story of human resilience and...