Alien vs Predator 3 (2025), starring Will Smith and produced by 20th Century Studios, is the highly anticipated continuation of the Alien and Predator franchises. Directed by Fede Álvarez, the film takes the explosive conflict between the iconic extraterrestrial species to new heights, introducing Earth as the ultimate battleground.
The movie opens with a shocking discovery: a secret military organization has been capturing and experimenting on both Xenomorphs (Aliens) and Predators for decades. Will Smith plays Colonel Jake Matthews, a hardened soldier who leads a specialized team tasked with investigating a catastrophic event at a classified Arctic research facility. When his team arrives, they find the facility in ruins, and it becomes clear that the experiments have gone horribly wrong. The Aliens and Predators have escaped, and both species are now hunting humans as they clash in an all-out war.
As the story unfolds, it’s revealed that the Predators have been using Earth as a proving ground for young warriors, who are tasked with hunting Xenomorphs to earn their place in their society. However, the humans’ tampering with both species has thrown the natural order into chaos. The Aliens, now genetically enhanced by the failed experiments, have become far more dangerous than ever before, threatening the existence of both humanity and the Predators.