Maleficent is a 2014 American dark fantasy adventure film directed by Robert Stromberg from a screenplay by...
In Constantine 2 (2024), the teaser trailer begins with John Constantine (played by Keanu Reeves) as he...
Set sail once again on a thrilling journey across the Caribbean seas in Pirates of the Caribbean...
Van Helsing 2 (2025) sees Hugh Jackman reprising his role as the legendary monster hunter Gabriel Van...
Colombiana 2 is officially happening, and we are thrilled to share that it has been successfully completed...
With Vin Diesel RIDDICK 4: Furya Teaser (2025) With Vin Diesel marks the highly anticipated return of...
The teaser trailer for The Dead Land begins with a hauntingly desolate landscape, portraying a barren, post-apocalyptic...
“The Twilight Saga 6: The New Chapter” (2025) revisits the world of vampires, werewolves, and the enduring...
Bone Tomahawk (2015) is a gripping blend of Western and horror, directed by S. Craig Zahler. The...
“Breathe” (2024) is an intense survival thriller that explores human resilience and the will to survive against...