In Prometheus 3 (2025), the story picks up after the harrowing events of the previous films, as...
Scrooge (1951) is a British television adaptation of Charles Dickens’ classic novella A Christmas Carol, one of...
In the live-action adaptation of Studio Ghibli’s cherished animation classic Princess Mononoke, Zendaya will play the part...
After years of speculation, The Goonies 2 is finally moving forward, and fans of the 1985 cult...
The Justice League 2: The Darkseid War trailer opens with a chilling sequence, showing a decimated Earth...
MORTAL KOMBAT 2 continues the story of warriors participating in the mortal tournament, where they face powerful...
Stake Land (2011) is a post-apocalyptic horror film directed by Jim Mickle that combines vampire horror with...
Cyborg X (2016) is a high-octane, post-apocalyptic sci-fi thriller directed by K. King, blending action, cybernetic warfare,...
Jason Statham Live Action ConceptThe live-action Dragon Ball Z: The Movie brings the legendary story from the...
Prey 2 (2025) continues the thrilling saga of the Predator franchise, following the success of Prey (2022),...