The story begins with the world mourning the death of T’Challa, and Wakanda, under the leadership of Queen Ramonda (Angela Bassett), faces increasing pressure from other nations that seek access to Wakanda’s vibranium. Amid this, a new threat emerges: Namor (Tenoch Huerta), the ruler of the underwater kingdom of Talokan. Namor, a powerful and vengeful character, seeks to protect his people and their vibranium reserves from outside exploitation, leading to a fierce conflict with Wakanda.
Shuri (Letitia Wright), T’Challa’s sister, and Okoye (Danai Gurira), the leader of the Dora Milaje, struggle with the grief of losing their beloved king while also navigating the threat posed by Talokan. Shuri, in particular, is affected by her brother’s death and grapples with the idea of stepping into his shoes as the Black Panther. She is ultimately faced with a difficult decision when a new Black Panther is needed to protect Wakanda from Namor’s forces.
Namor, driven by his desire to keep his people safe, launches a series of attacks on Wakanda, forcing the kingdom to defend itself from the powerful aquatic invader. However, as the conflict escalates, both sides realize they need to find common ground. Namor’s tragic backstory is revealed—he was born of the vibranium-rich waters and has lived for centuries. His actions are motivated by the desire to protect his civilization from the dangers he believes are posed by the outside world.
The film features a stunning action sequence involving both land and underwater battles. The rivalry between the Wakandans and the Talokans leads to the creation of an alliance, and ultimately, Shuri steps into the role of the Black Panther, embracing her brother’s legacy and ensuring the survival of Wakanda while also fostering the future of both kingdoms.
The movie’s ending is deeply emotional, as it honors T’Challa’s memory with a tribute to Chadwick Boseman, marking a significant chapter in the MCU. Shuri’s journey is one of personal growth and healing, culminating in her becoming a new beacon of hope for her people. The film is both a tribute to the legacy of Black Panther and an exploration of how to move forward in the face of loss.
Wakanda Forever is a powerful narrative about resilience, leadership, and the legacy of a hero, with strong performances, particularly from Letitia Wright and Angela Bassett, and breathtaking visuals that expand the world of Wakanda and the MCU.